This well-evaluated course addresses a life-saving clinical procedure in professional practice for registered Healthcare Professionals responsible for safe and effective care in Neonatal and Paediatric Cannulation, and Intravenous (IV) Therapy.
1 starting date
Starting date:
- Duration: 1 day
- Time: to
- Fees: £310
- Course code: CS6037
- Location: Northampton Square
- Booking deadline:
Neonatal and Paediatric Cannulation and IV Therapy Course overview
This one-day course addresses current evidence and principles relating to safety, quality standards, regulation, biological and nursing theory in Neonatal and Paediatric Cannulation, and Intravenous (IV) Therapy. Emphasis is made on theory-practice integration
The afternoon focuses on the demonstration and practice of peripheral vein cannulation.
The course content includes:
- patient safety, quality standards and regulation in cannulation
- integumentary system and vascular network
- body fluids and electrolytes balance
- pharmacological theory and principles of safety, referencing mathematical and conceptual calculations
- professional accountability and responsibility, and clinical risks
- infection prevention & control, and aseptic non-touch technique
- effective monitoring, communication, and documentation.
Who is it for?
This course is appropriate for Registered Healthcare Professionals: Qualified Neonatal and Paediatric Nurses, Doctors, ANNPs, Phlebotomists and Nursing Associates responsible for Neonatal and Paediatric Cannulation and IV Therapy.
The course runs over one full day, from 09.30 – 16. 30.
The key takeaways from the course are an enhanced awareness of theory-practice integration, national and local safety and quality standards, key aspects of professional accountability and responsibility, and demonstration and practise of peripheral vein cannulation.
What will I learn?
Topics addressed in the clinical context of Neonatal and Paediatric Cannulation, and IV Therapy Include:
- patient safety, quality standards and regulation in cannulation
- integumentary system and vascular network
- body fluids and electrolytes balance
- pharmacological theory and principles of safety, referencing mathematical and conceptual calculations
- professional accountability and responsibility, and clinical risks
- infection prevention & control, and aseptic non-touch technique
- effective monitoring, communication, and documentation
- practise cannulation
- clinical challenges and possible solutions.
Intended Learning Outcomes
- Having completed the study day & workshop, you will be able to:
- Show enhanced awareness of patient safety, quality standards and regulation in cannulation, and IV therapy
- Show understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the integumentary system, the vascular Network, body fluids and electrolyte balance in neonatal paediatric cannulation and IV therapy
- Conceptualise pharmacological theory and principles of safety in IV drug therapy, with reference to mathematical and conceptual calculations · Evaluate related clinical risks, challenges and solutions in cannulation and IV therapy
- Show enhanced awareness of professional accountability and responsibility in patient, organisational, personal and professional safety in cannulation and IV therapy
- Justify the essence of infection prevention and control in cannulation and IV therapy
- Assess patients effectively, locate and assemble venepuncture equipment for cannulation and IV therapy
- Select and perform a successful IV cannulation on the training arm
- Rationalise effective decision making, interprofessional communication and documentation in neonatal and paediatric cannulation and IV therapy.
Assessment and certificates
The teaching day is based on interactive power point presentations, including scenario discussions, peripheral vein cannulation demonstration and practice.
- pre-course self-directed learning questionnaire
- cannulation practise on training arms
- completion of competency in practice by designated trust or organisation and accreditation.
This course is provided by the School of Health & Psychological Sciences.
Pre-course self-directed learning:
- A self-directed learning paper to update your theoretical mindset for the day’s teaching and learning as following such a strategy enables you to attend the study day with a frame of reference that facilitates both teaching and learning
- There are 20 questions for you to attempt and answers are offered in the notes section of the last slide as a means of self-assessment
Please note that the paper is optional, meant to help, not timed, or a set requirement for study day attendance - so enjoy the process.
English requirements
You will need a good level of spoken and written English to enrol on this course.
Recommended reading
Key references
- Any current (within the last 5 years) anatomy and physiology book or academic website.
Books and journals
- Barton, A. (2020) Universal adhesive vascular access securement with Grip-Lok devices British Journal of Nursing 29 (8): S28-S33
- Brooks, N. (2017) Venepuncture: A Practical guide
- Keswick: M & K Publishing Brown, M.J., Sharma, P., Mir, F.A., Bennett, P.N., eds. (2018) Clinical pharmacology 12th edn. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone ELSEVIER
- Gahart, B.L., Nazareno, A.R., Ortega, M. (2020) Gahart's 2021 Intravenous medications: A handbook for nurses and health professionals 37th edn. St Louis: Elsevier Health Sciences
- Gorski, L.A. (2018) Phillips’s Manual of I.V. Therapeutics Evidence-Based Practice for Infusion Therapy 7th edn. Philadelphia: FA
- Davis Griffith, R., and Dowie, I. (2019) Dimond’s Legal aspects of nursing 8th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.
- Indawarti, F., Mathew, S., Munday, J., et al. (2020) Incidence of peripheral intravenous catheter failure and complications in paediatric patients: Systematic review and meta analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies February 102:103488
- Kleidon, T.M., Rickard, C.M., Gibson, V., et al. (2020) Smile - Secure my intravenous line effectively: A pilot randomised controlled trial of peripheral intravenous catheter securement in paediatrics. Journal of Tissue Viability 29 (2): 82-90
- Paediatric Formulary Committee (2019) BNF for Children (BNFC) 2019-2020 London: BMJ Group
- Phelps, S.J., Hagemann, T.M., Lee, K.R., Thompson, A.J. (2018) Pediatric Injectable Drugs: Teddy Bear Book 11th edn. Bethesda: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- Phillips, S., Collins, M., Dougherty, L. (2011) Venepuncture and Cannulation: Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
- Ullman, A.J.M., Kleidon, T., et al. (2020) Global Pediatric Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Practice and Performance: A Secondary Analysis of 4206 Catheters. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 50: e18-e25
- Tortora, G.J., and Derrickson, B.H. (2017) Fundamentals of anatomy & physiology, 15th edn. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Inc. (WileyPLUS Online Teaching and Learning)