This course aims to give managers the knowledge and tools to manage their people effectively through change.
1 starting date
Starting date:
- Duration: 1 day
- Time: to
- Fees: £310
- Course code: CS6081
- Location: Northampton Square
- Booking deadline:
Managing Staff Through Change Course overview
This course will use a number of different activities to explore reactions to organisational change, and will enable managers to identify factors that help and hinder the change process. In addition, it will examine practical steps that line managers can take to facilitate change, and manage staff morale and expectations.
Course content includes:
- the change process
- your reactions to change
- other reactions to change
- the manager’s role
- managing change resistors
- managing morale and motivation
- individual interactions -what helps and what hinders
- appealing to the rational and the emotional
- coaching staff through change
- the GROW model
- skills practice
- application at work.
Who is it for?
This course is for anyone managing people, particularly those who are facing a period of change, or where changes have already begun.
This course runs over one full day.
Participants will be introduced to current models and theories about how people react to change so that they can more confidently and effectively work with their reports at each stage, and help their people come to terms with new opportunities and ways of working.
What will I learn?
Participants will be able to:
- Explain the significance of line managers interactions with staff and their impact on staff morale and be able to take 4 actions to increase employee engagement
- Plan the communication of change to maximise impact and engagement
- Name 5 common reactions to change and know how to get the best from these reactions
- Develop strategies to manage change resistors
- Identify factors that help and hinder change
- Use the GROW model of coaching with staff members who face uncertainty or who have to make difficult decisions.
Assessment and certificates
This is a participative training course involving discussion, individual reflection, practical exercises and skills practice.
There is no formal assessment.
A certificate of attendance will be issued.
This course is provided by the School of Health & Psychological Sciences.
English requirements
You will need a good level of spoken and written English to enrol on this course.
Recommended reading
- Switch: How to change things when change is hard. Chip and Dan Heath
- My Iceberg is Melting. John Kotter
- The Tao of Coaching. Max Landsberg
The tutor may also suggest additional material during the course.