Going to university is a great opportunity to explore a subject you are passionate about, discover new and exciting experiences and develop the skills and knowledge needed to enter the career you want.
All undergraduate applications, whether you are a UK or international student, must be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).
Applying through UCAS Extra
After the UCAS application deadline has passed in January, you might still be eligible to apply to study at City through the UCAS Extra service.
For information about eligibility, adding more choices in Extra and next steps after application visit the UCAS website or attend one of our UCAS Extra online events.
Entry requirements
All entry requirements for our undergraduate courses can be found on the individual course pages.
Our courses have a minimum requirement of passes in two subjects at A-level or equivalent, as well as specific course requirements. We also accept a wide range of qualifications besides A-levels for entry to our courses.
For some of our courses in the School of Health & Psychological Sciences we have selection days which also form an important part of the application process.
Finally, you must be accepted by the course admissions tutor. The actual offer you receive may differ from the listed requirements as many of our courses are competitive so the minimum requirements do not guarantee admission.
Contextual offers
City uses a contextual admissions process to take into account the varying individual circumstances of applicants.
The scheme is available to UK (Home fee payer) undergraduate applicants who are taking certain qualifications and who fulfil one or more of the following criteria:
- Have been in local authority care
- Are living in an area where young people are least likely to go onto higher education
- Have been attending a lower performing school or college
- Are the first generation in your family to go to University
- Are an Estranged Student
- Have caring responsibilities
- Have been in receipt of Free School Meals
Those who are eligible may receive a conditional offer with reduced entry requirements.
Read our contextual admissions policy for further information, the courses to which the scheme applies, the relevant qualifications and eligibility criteria.
English language requirements
To study at City:
- All applicants are required to demonstrate that your ability to understand and express yourself in English is sufficient for you to be able to benefit from and participate fully in your degree
- In addition, all students requiring a student visa must demonstrate your English proficiency as part of the visa application process
- There are some basic standards for English requirements, though exact criteria differ between courses and can be found on individual course pages.