Clearing often seems like a daunting process, but with some preparation and research it can be straightforward. We have a dedicated team to help and support you.
Preparing for Clearing
If you're waiting for A-level results day or are about to receive your results for other qualifications, you should be prepared beforehand and have a Plan B.
Do some research and use our course finder to find courses that you may be interested in; perhaps rank the courses in order of priority (as not all courses will be in Clearing). You should also familiarise yourself with information provided by UCAS about Clearing and how it works.
All this will be useful for when results day comes around, if you will be going through Clearing.
On results day
Check your application status on the UCAS Hub. If you have entered into Clearing, then your UCAS application will be updated and will either say that 'you are in Clearing' or 'Clearing has started'.
Some universities, including City St George's, will be happy for you to contact them about a Clearing place even if you are not currently 'in Clearing' on the UCAS Hub.
Making your application
From results day our online Clearing application web form will be open and this is the best way to get a decision on whether you will be offered a place.
If there's a course that you know is likely to be in high demand, then you should apply as soon as possible to better your chances of being offered a place. We cannot guarantee a course at City St George's will be open in Clearing, but being quick gives you the best opportunity to secure any available spaces.
You will need to make sure you have your details such as your UCAS ID, course number and A-level or other qualifications. This will ease the application process, as you'll be well prepared.
Getting support with your application
If you have any questions about making your online Clearing application, our Clearing Specialists Team will be available during the week of A-level results to help guide you through the process and answer anything else you may want to ask about City St George's.
We can help you with:
- Questions about completing the online application
- More information about what our courses are like
- What to expect from student life at City St George's
- Details of services on offer at the University.
Getting a decision
Once you have completed the online application form, you will either receive an instant decision or you will be given a phone number to contact us to discuss your application in more detail.
Though the online form is available for you to apply at any time, if you are invited to phone us to discuss your application you will need to call us during the times the number is open and our Admissions team are available to speak to you.
These times will be confirmed in the information you're given when you complete the online application.
You should use any phone or email conversations with us as an opportunity to find out about the course and City St George's, University of London.
Being offered and accepting a place
You can only add a Clearing choice through the UCAS Hub from 1pm on the afternoon of A-level results day. You will not be able to register a Clearing choice before then. If we have offered you a place, you should then log on to your UCAS account after 1pm and click the button ‘Add Clearing choice’.
This will allow you to add the course and institution information to your application, before it's then sent to us.
We should then accept the application and your UCAS status will be updated to say that you have been accepted. Now all you have to do is wait for our confirmation letter.
Looking forward to starting
Once you've secured your place at City St George's, we'll be in touch with a number of opportunities to find out more about studying and student life with us before you start in September.
These opportunities include events like exclusive online chat sessions for applicants, future campus tours and our Clearing Information Day. Beyond that, you can look forward to receiving information about registration and the start of the new term here in the heart of London.
Tips for Clearing
We'd recommend the following advice:
- Be patient: plenty of other people across the UK will be applying through Clearing. On A-level results day City St George's and all other universities will be open for Clearing, and there'll be a number of opportunities to contact us in the lead up to Clearing during the summer
- Don't go on holiday: if you're in Clearing it's better to be at home, with a reliable internet connection and where you can easily contact us and your current school or college if you need help
- Be prepared: check out our Clearing vacancies in the UCAS search tool or on our website. This can help reduce the stress of searching for vacancies on results day, when you could be contacting universities instead
- Be flexible: you may not be able to pick an exact match to your intended course. Although it might not be what you wanted, if you really want to attend university this year then it's important to keep an open mind.