City takes the top prize for outstanding commitment to developing meaningful relationships through engagement with employers.

By Katie Hoggan (Communications Officer (Corporate)), Published

City, University of London has won a prestigious award for its commitment to providing undergraduate students with leading employability opportunities.

The Institute of Student Employers (ISE) presented City with the 2024 award for ‘Best University and Employment Engagement Strategy’ at its annual ceremony.

The ISE Awards 2024 celebrated and honoured outstanding achievements and innovations of those working across the sector, delivering 14 awards across development, education, marketing, recruitment, and strategy.

The category City took the top spot for recognised Higher Education Institutions with ‘an outstanding commitment to develop meaningful relationships through engagement with employers.’

Gemma Kenyon, Head of Careers at City, said she was very grateful to the ISE for the award which recognises the University’s dedication to supporting student employability.

As the university for business, practice and the professions, it is fantastic to be recognised for our dedication to supporting all undergraduate students access the employability education and professional experience they need to achieve career success. This is embedded through core, credit bearing parts of the curriculum at City.

“Many thanks to everyone in both professional service teams and academic schools who work tirelessly day in and day out to make this ambitious vision a reality," she said.

City was among the first UK universities to make professional experience and career-focused modules a mandatory part of every undergraduate course for new students.

The pioneering approach aimed to enhance students’ experience, develop their skills and increase their chances of securing rewarding careers.

While work placements and careers guidance have long been an important feature of university education, City’s Career Activation Programme has taken student employability to a whole new level.

The programme is split into two areas. Firstly, every undergraduate student is expected to gain professional experience of some kind, whether it is a year-long placement or working on a short-term industry project.

Secondly, every course includes a core module where students can learn about different career options and gain the practical skills they need to secure employment.

Speaking about the programme when it launched in 2022, Gemma Kenyon said:

“Employability has always been part of our mantra and sits right at the heart of who we are as a university. But the Career Activation Programme is a real, tangible action that shows how much we value employability and want to support our students.

“We recognise that many of our students have complex lives. Some have caring responsibilities or part-time jobs, so find it more difficult to get experience opportunities outside of their studies.

“We also have a high proportion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds who don’t have a network of people they know in professional occupations that they can call on to secure placements.

“By making experience and support an integral part of the curriculum, we’re levelling the playing field.”

Find out about City’s Careers & Employability team and the careers support offered at the University.