The Learning Contract is the keystone of successful learning. The contract is signed by all programme members. The contract sets out what is expected of each student and what he or she can expect from staff.
In accepting a place at City St George's, University of London, I undertake:
- To pursue all my modules in my individual programme;
- To join in classroom activities;
- To participate fully in all aspects of the programme - academic & clinical;
- To give priority to my work, including the necessity for independent study and work at home;
- To complete work set by staff by the required time;
- To inform staff such as the module leader or programme leader of the need for any extension to coursework hand in dates as soon as genuine need arises and prior to the hand in date;
- To attend University and all academic and clinical sessions unless genuinely too ill to do so;
- To make sure my behaviour does not stop others from learning and to switch off my mobile telephone in all lectures;
- To inform staff of my absences and provide evidence;
- To keep to full University terms;
- To take advantage of the range of learning support opportunities available throughout the University;
- To respect fellow students, staff and university property and fabric, and contribute to the congenial atmosphere;
- To respect staff in clinical placements and hospital property and fabric, and contribute to congenial atmosphere;
- To accept that rotation to other clinical sites is mandatory during the course of my three years of training, and that this rotation may include a clinical site in Essex.
- To accept that my results will be shared with the manager of my clinical training site.
- To ask for help if I find the work difficult;
- To consult my personal tutor and other appropriate staff on any problem arising from or affecting my work or course;
- In particular, to abide by the agreed guidelines available in the students' on-line handbook.
- To read and understand the following departmental policies and procedures:
- Assessment Regulations
- Plagiarism and how to avoid it
- Procedures and Justifications for obtaining Coursework Extension
- Word limits and penalties for coursework
- Policy for late submission of coursework
- Outstanding Fees and Debts
- Examination Instructions to City St George's Students
In offering you a place at City St George's, we undertake to provide, without prejudice:
- The setting and the marking of work essential for you to be able to make full progress;
- A curriculum with the range and flexibility to cater for all reasonable needs at this stage in your education;
- A support system from staff which ensures you have access to the guidance, advice and support you need to make a success of your education;
- A forum to listen to students views about their learning and the institution;
- A personal tutor/named radiographer/mentor/clinical supervisor for each student.
Student Name:
Student Signature
Head of Department:
Latest update: September 2009