- Hobbs, R., Kanižaj, I. and Pereira, L. (2019). Digital literacy and propaganda. Medijske Studije, 10(19), pp. 1–7.
- Pereira, L., Jorge, A. and Brites, M.J. (2017). Media education competitions: An efficient strategy for digital literacies? Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(1), pp. 77–92. doi:10.14658/pupj-ijse-2017-1-5.
- Pereira, L. and Ribeiro, F. (2016). Rubricas humorísticas das rádios portuguesas como desconstrução da atualidade. Media & Jornalismo, 15(27), pp. 125–142. doi:10.14195/2183-5462_27_6.
- Pereira, L. and Lizzie, J. (2015). Testing Participatory Design and Responsive User-Interfaces to Teach Digital Skills to NEETs: Using an Experimental Online Learning Platform. MERJ | Media Education Research Journal, 5(2), pp. 37–62.
- Pereira, S. and Pereira, L. (2015). Digital Media in Primary Schools. Educational Policy, 29(2), pp. 316–341. doi:10.1177/0895904813492378.
- Pereira, S., Pinto, M. and Pereira, L. (2012). Resources for Media Literacy: Mediating the Research on Children and Media. Comunicar, 20(39), pp. 91–99. doi:10.3916/c39-2012-02-09.
- Pereira, L. (2008). O papel dos videojogos no desenvolvimento de competências digitais. Comunicação e Sociedade, 13, pp. 135–144. doi:10.17231/comsoc.13(2008).1149.
- Pereira, L. (2008). Gonnet, J. (2007) Educação para os Media: As controversias fecundas. Porto: Porto Editora. Comunicação e Sociedade, 13, pp. 149–151. doi:10.17231/comsoc.13(2008).1151.
Contact details
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
United Kingdom
Luis works as Senior Lecturer in Educational Development in the Department of Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD). He is the joint Programme Director of the MA/PGDip/PGCert in Academic Practice and module leader for a couple of modules: EDM109 - Researching Higher Education, EDM114 - Educational Research Project & Publication. He also supervises PhD and MA students.
He has more than 20 years of experience in education, as a lecturer, researcher, learning technologist and academic developer. He completed his PhD in the area of digital media education at the University of Minho (Portugal) in 2012. Prior to joining City in April 2022, Luis worked at Imperial College London as a Senior Academic Developer, leading a team of academic developers. His journey in HE includes other universities, like Coventry, Bournemouth, Oxford or Ravensbourne.
His research is the result of the intersection between digital media, learning and digital society. Luis is particularly interested in how we develop our digital capacities and on how people can shape/take ownership of their digital narrative. Luis focuses his attention on the impact of the digital devices in different aspects of our daily lives, from school to family, from politics to hobbies. Living in a multiscreen society, he looks for creative ways of people making the most of the digital opportunities and encourage participatory cultures to be positively engaged, namely through social media.
His research topics include digital literacies, digital media education, misinformation, active and collaborative learning, distance teaching.
- Senior Fellow of HEA, Advance HE, United Kingdom, May 2018
- PGCert, Coventry University, United Kingdom, Mar 2017
- PhD, University of Minho, Portugal, Jan 2008 – Dec 2011
- MA, University of Minho, Portugal, Jan 2003 – Apr 2007
- Erasmus Exchange Programme, Sorbonne University, France, Sep 1999 – Feb 2000
- BA, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Portugal, Sep 1996 – Jun 2000
- Senior Academic Developer (Education Transformation), Imperial College London, Apr 2021 – Apr 2022
- Senior Lecturer (Education and Digital Literacies), Bournemouth University, Aug 2015 – Jan 2016
- Senior Lecturer/Academic Developer, Coventry University, Oct 2014 – Apr 2021
- Evans Foundation (2009) Evens Media Education Prize
Research students
Claire Lawrence
Attendance: Oct 2022 – present
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Publications by category
Books (4)
- Pereira, L., Brites, M.J., Amaral, I. and Patricio, R. (2018). Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of Activities. Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. ISBN 978-989-757-088-9.
- Pereira, L. (2014). Literacia Digital e Políticas Tecnológicas para a Educação. De Facto Editores. ISBN 978-989-8557-15-5.
- Sá, A., Pereira, L., Santos, L., Portela, P. and Marinho, S. (2013). 112i dicas para investigar em ciências sociais e humanas. Edições Humus.. ISBN 978-989-8549-24-2.
- Pinto, M., Pereira, S., Pereira, L. and Ferreira, T. (2011). Educação para os Media em Portugal: experiências, actores e contextos. ERC. ISBN 978-989-20-2368-7.
Chapters (8)
- Kanizaj, I., Brites, M.J. and Pereira, L. (2022). Librarians' perspectives from Croatia, Portugal and the UK - What Is Changing in Teaching (Digital) Media Education due to COVID-19. The Routledge Handbook of Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic. (pp. 186–195). London: Routledge.
- Kanižaj, I., Brites, M.J. and Pereira, L. (2022). Librarians' perspectives from Croatia, Portugal and the UK. The Routledge Handbook of Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic (pp. 186–195). Routledge.
- Friesem, Y., Brites, M.J., Choi, G.Y., Coscarelli, C.V., Melamed, O., Pereira, L. … White, M.L. (2022). Intercultural dialogue. The Routledge Handbook of Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic (pp. 226–231). Routledge.
- Pereira, L. (2019). RSS Reader. In Merskin, D.L. (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society 5 (pp. 1498–1498). SAGE Publications. ISBN 978-1-4833-7551-9.
- In Yildiz, M.N. and Keengwe, J. (Eds.), (2016). Handbook of Research on Media Literacy in the Digital Age. In IGI Global. ISBN 978-1-4666-9667-9.
- Pereira, L., Pereira, S. and Melro, A. (2015). The Portuguese Programme One Laptop per Child: Political, Educational and Social Impact. In Pereira, S. (Ed.), Digital Literacy, Technology and Social Inclusion. Making sense of one-to-one computer programmes around the world (pp. 29–99). Humus. ISBN 978-989-755-048-5.
- Jorge, A., Costa, C. and Pereira, L. (2015). Media education practices in Portugal: a panoramic view. In Eléa, I. (Ed.), Agents & Voices A Panorama of Media Education in Brazil, Portugal & Spain (pp. 165–170). Gothenburg: Nordicom. ISBN 978-91-87957-06-2.
- Pereira, S., Pereira, L. and Pinto, M. (2011). Internet and social networks caught up in the web. Braga: UMinho - CECS. ISBN 978-989-97244-4-0.
Conference papers and proceedings (2)
- Pereira, L. (2009). Videogames and Media Literacy – a Portuguese study about teenagers’ perspectives and online uses. Euromeduc Seminar 16-18 February, University of Algarve (Faro, Portugal).
- Pereira, L. and Carvalho, A.A. (2007). Is it really possible to teach with videogames? Organizing and Learning through Gaming and Simulation 9-13 July, Nijmegen (The Netherlands).
Journal articles (8)
- McDougall, J. and Pereira, L. (2017). Digital Literacy and Education in the UK. COST Action IS1401-Strengthening Europeans’ Capabilities by Establishing the European Literacy Network..
Professional activities
Events/conferences (11)
- Workshop: CMBE Events - Certified Management & Business Educator. (Workshop) Online (2022). Session/Day Chair.
Paper: Improving students' digital skills through innovative student-led activities
Author: Zhou, X.
Co-authors: O’Dea, X.; Pereira, Luis - Advance HE: Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success? (Conference) Northumbria University, Newcastle (2022). Panel Member.
Paper: Effective ways to develop staff digital competencies - a synoptic view of academic development.
Author: Pereira, L.
Co-authors: Zhou, X.; Rajpal, B. - MES - Media Education Summit. University of Leeds (2021). Panel Member.
Paper: Lessons to learn from TikTok videos about teaching (media literacy)
Author: Pereria, L. - 15th Annual Northeast Media Literacy Conference. (Conference) Online (2020). Panel Member.
Paper: What is changing in teaching (digital) media education due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Building on the experiences of lecturers, teachers and librarians
Author: Kanižaj, I.
Co-authors: Brites, MJ & Pereira, L. - Staff Conference & Excellence Awards. (Conference) Coventry University (2017). Panel Member.
Paper: The 'Brown Bag' Initiative - Building a Learning Community at EFA
Author: Gray, K.
Co-authors: Pereria, L. & Jenkins, M. - MES - Media Education Summit. Emerson College (Boston, US) (2015). Panel Member and Chair.
Paper: Digital Literacy and Cyber Security in Teacher Education in the UK
Author: Pereira, L.
Co-authors: Goodwyn, A. - MES Media Education Summit 2014. (Conference) Metropolitan University Prague, Check Republic (2014). Panel Member.
Paper: How to Teach Digital Skills to NEETs – lessons from ‘The Shift’ Interactive Online Learning Platform"
Author: Pereira, L.
Co-authors: Jackson, L. - Cities, Connectivity and Creativity IAMCR 2011. (Conference) Istanbul (Turkey) (2011). Panel Member.
Paper: Each Child, an Explorer: Child Audiences in Technological Public Policies
Author: Pereira, S.
Co-authors: Pereira, L. - IAMCR 2011 Cities, Connectivity and Creativity. (Conference) Istanbul (Turkey) (2011). Panel Member.
Paper: Resources for Media Literacy: Mediating the Research about Children and Media”.
Author: Pinto, M.
Co-authors: Pereira, S.; Pereira, L. - World Summit on Media for Children and Youth. (Conference) Karlstad (Sweden) (2010). Panel Member.
Paper: Navigating with Magalhães – What are children doing with their own laptop?
Author: Pereria, S.
Co-authors: Pereira, L. - EuroMeduc. (Conference) Bellaria (Italy) (2009).
Paper: Digital literacy and technological polices in Portugal – presentation of an ongoing project
Author: Pereira, L.