Providing an independent opinion of the adequacy and effectiveness of arrangements in place for risk management.
Audit and Risk Committee is a committee independent of management. It provides Council an opinion of the adequacy and effectiveness of management's arrangements for risk management, control, governance and value for money, addressing economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
The powers, terms of reference and composition of Audit and Risk Committee are set out in the Ordinances.
Current Membership
Independent members of Council
- Professor Robert Allison (Chair)
- Godfrey Allen
- Rachel Lock
- Anant Prakash
Co-opted members
- Sandeep Das
- Richard Shaw
In attendance
- Representatives from PWC (External Auditors)
- (Prof.) Sir Anthony Finkelstein CBE FREng, President
- Professor Elisabeth Hill, Deputy President
- Dr William Jordan, University Secretary
- Sarah Lawton, Committee Secretary
- Matthew Swales, Chief Financial Officer
- Stephen Stanbury, Director of Internal Audit
- Helen Watson, Chief Operating Officer
and other senior officers as required.